Bake Show

Bake Show 2024
Julie Reynolds, Chairman
Sponsored by Rychlik Auto Services & Seaton Construction
September 28th, 2024
1. Refer to General Rules for basic entry requirements.
2. All entries will be cut and sampled by the judges.
3. All entries will be checked in at the Fire Station, north of Civic Center, from 7:45 - 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 27, 2025.
4. Recipe and completed entry label must accompany each Bake Show entry or it will not be judged. Entries must be exhibited by maker only. Winning entries may not be submitted by the winner the following year.
5. Must be in DISPOSABLE container and covered. Will not be responsible for plates or containers that are not disposable.
6. Age Divisions and Classifications:
Youth – 11 and under
Junior – Age 12 - 18
All Stars - Special Needs
Adult – Age 19 and over
7. NO MIXES ACCEPTED Except for Special Cakes Category.
8. NO ITEMS REQUIRING REFRIGERATION WILL BE ACCEPTED. This includes cheesecakes. Frozen items will be disqualified.
9. Disqualification will occur if a judge refuses to taste a recipe due to a health or safety concern (examples, but not limited to, undercooked food, hair in food, etc.)
10. Winners will be announced under the tent, in front of the Titus County Civic Center, at 12:30 pm.
11. Best of Show winners in each division will receive $100, in addition to their ribbon. Best of Class winners in each division will receive $50, in addition to their ribbon.
12. Winners names will be displayed in the Food Preservation/Horticulture Area after the announcement. Ribbons may be picked up in the Food Preservation/Horticulture Room, after completion of event or on Sunday, September 28th from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., Main Hall of Civic Center.
Items entered in the Bake Show are judged on the following characteristics:
1. Presentation
2. Moisture content
3. Texture
4. Flavor
Remember: No Refrigerated or Frozen Items
PIES – Section A
Class 1 – Pies with 2 Crusts (entry code: BK-A01)
Class 2 – Pies with 1 Crust
- Meringue Pie (entry code: BK-A02a)
- Pecan Pie (entry code: BK-A02b)
- Open Class (entry code: BK-A02c)
Class 3 – Novelty (entry code: BK-A03)
Class 4 – Cobblers (entry code: BK-A04)
COOKIES – Section B (1/2 dozen)
Class 1 – Drop Cookies (entry code: BK-B01)
Class 2 – No Bake (entry code: BK-B02)
Class 3 – Filled Cookies (entry code: BK-B03)
Class 4 – Bar Cookies (entry code: BK-B04)
Class 5 – Brownies (entry code: BK-B05)
Class 6 – Shaped Cookies (no icing) (entry code: BK-B06)
Class 7 – Iced or Decorated Cookies (entry code: BK-B07)
Class 8 – Novelty (entry code: BK-B08)
CANDY – Section C (6 pieces)
Class 1 – Fudge (entry code: BK-C01)
Class 2 – Dipped Candy (entry code: BK-C02)
Class 3 – Peanut Brittle (entry code: BK-C03)
Class 4 – Peanut Patties (entry code: BK-C04)
Class 5 – Pralines (entry code: BK-C05)
Class 6 – Novelty (entry code: BK-C06)
Class 7 – Divinity (entry code: BK-C07)
CAKES – Section D
Class 1 – Cakes from Scratch
- Layer Cake (entry code: BK-D01a)
- Sheet Cake (entry code: BK-D01b)
- Pound (entry code: BK-D01c)
- Fruit Cake (entry code: BK-D01d)
- Novelty (entry code: BK-D01e)
Class 2 – Cakes from a Mix plus 1 or More Special Ingredients
- Layer Cake (entry code: BK-D02a)
- Sheet Cake (entry code: BK-D02b)
- Pound (entry code: BK-D02c)
- Fruit Cake (entry code: BK-D02d)
- Novelty (entry code: BK-D02e)
BREADS – Section E
Class 1 – Quick breads (entry code: BK-E01)
Class 2 – Yeast bread loaf (entry code: BK-E02)
Class 3 – Yeast bread rolls (1/2 dozen) (entry code: BK-E03)
Class 4 – Sour dough loaf (entry code: BK-E04)
Class 5 – Sour dough rolls (1/2 dozen) (entry code: BK-E05)
Class 6 – Sweet bread loaf or tea ring (entry code: BK-E06)
Class 7 – Sweet bread rolls (1/2 dozen) (entry code: BK-E07)
Class 8 – Fruit bread (entry code: BK-E08)
Class 9 – Muffins (entry code: BK-E09)
Class 10 – Plain corn bread (entry code: BK-E10)
Class 11 – Mexican corn bread (entry code: BK-E11)
Class 12 – Novelty (entry code: BK-E12)
Class 13 – Biscuits (entry code: BK-E13)
CUPCAKES – Section F (1/2 dozen)
Class 1 – Fruit (entry code: BK-F01)
Class 2 – Filled (entry code: BK-F02)
Class 3 – Iced (entry code: BK-F03)
Class 4 – Plain (entry code: BK-F04)
Class 5 – Novelty (entry code: BK-F05)
2024 Winners:
Lynlee Keith(youth) - triple choc cake - Best of Show $100
Donald Emerson (youth) - honey bun cake - Best of Class $50
Tatum Crabb (junior) - German choc cake - Best of Show $100
Kailyn Barboza (junior) - apple cupcakes - Best of Class $50
Chapel Hill Mrs. Miles class (group - all stars) - Best of Show $100
Courtney Beam (adult) - salted caramel apple pie cookies - Best of Show $100
Tess Chancellor (adult) - purple yam cake - Best of Class $50
2023 Winners:
Emily Barnett (Adult) White Choc Raspberry Bundt Cake - Best of Show $100
Kali Campbell (Adult) Blueberry Zucchini sheet cake - Best of Class $50
Jenna Mizell (Junior) Blueberry Sage Pie - Best of Show $100
Layla Perez (Junior) Cookie & Cream Cookies - Best of Class $50
Robert Thompson (Youth) Peach Cobbler - Best of Show $100
Melanie Stansell (Youth) Filled Cookies - Best of Class $50
Group - All Stars Chapel Hill - cake pops - Best of Show $100
2022 Winners:
Gina Halle (Adult) Efurd's Peach Blueberry Pie - Best of Show $100
Maria Cates (Adult) Best Chocolate Merinque Pie - Best of Class $50
Miriam Simmons (Junior) Soft Pretzels - Best of Show $100
Xiomara Solis (Junior) Frapuccino Cupcakes $50
Nathan Standefer (Youth) Texas Sheet Cake - Best of Show $100
Benjamin Brooks (Youth) Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies - Best of Class $50
2021 Winners
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Nathan Standefer, Texas Sheet Cake
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Benjamin Brooks, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Miriam Simmons, Soft Pretzels
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Xiomara Solis, Frapuccino Cupcakes
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Gina Halle, Efurd's Peach Blueberry Pie
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Maria Cates, Best Chocolate Meringue Pie
2019 Winners
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Cale Delisi, Homemade Chocolate Brownies
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Bryleigh Porterfield, Fudge
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Charity Jones, Chocolate Oreo Cake
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Brodie Selman, English Butter Toffee
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Deron Goodrich, Pumpkin Cupcakes
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Michael Henry, Lemon Sunshine Cupcakes
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Kim Copeland, Carrot Cake
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Kasey Perryman, Apple Pie
2018 Winners
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Cale Delisi, Coffee Cream Cake
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Priscilla Brooks, Sweet Potato Cupcakes
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Rachel Crane, Red Velvet Drip Cake
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Noah Bernard, Italian Cream Cake
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Betty Falk, Buttermilk Pie
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Texas Tornado Cake
2017 Winners
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Shelby Tafuro, Gluten Free Cupcakes
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Isaac Tafuro, Mini Pound Cakes
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Kayla Brooks, Chocolate Pumpkin Pecan Cake
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Mackenzie Lide, Chocolate Zucchini Cake
Best of Show, $100 Winner - Judy Easley, Zucchini Mock Apple Pie
Best of Class, $50 Winner - Penny Collins, Maple Bacon Cream Pie
2016 Winners
Best of Show - Elsie Robinson, Jumbo Drop Cookies $100
Best of Class - Luke Inman, Pumpkin Pie $50
Best of Show - Austin Jones, Lemon Coconut Cake $100
Best of Class - Elena Ramirez, Peanut Butter Fudge $ 50
Best of Show - Rhonda Lesher, Sweet Potato Cake $100
Best of Class - Kelly Coke, Simply Strawberry Cake $ 50
2015 Winners
Best of Show - Alexander Van Rijn - coconut pie
Best of Class - Norah Dean - apple cake
Best of Show - Emily Duncan - Apple Pumpkin Bundt Cake
Best of Class - Caitlyn Billups - Chocolate Pumpkin Caramel Cupcakes
Best of Show - Brenda Leathers- Cherry Almond Vanilla Cake
Best of Class - Rhonda Lester - Chocolate Pie
2014 Winner
Best of Show - Emily Duncan
Best of Class - Rider Gray
Best of Show - Olivia Duncan
Best of Class - Audrey Hopkins
Best of Show - Gay Roy
Best of Class - Deann Sowels
2013 Winners
Best of Show - Savannah Mullins
Best of Class - Alexander VanRyn
Best of Show - Alejandro Canader
Best of Class - Claire Fitch
Best of Show - Deann Sowels
Best of Class - Kelly Coke
2012 Winners
Best of Show -
Best of Show -
Best of Show -
2011 winners
Best of Show - Kirsten Nugent - Choc Marshmallow Meltaways
Best of Show - Lauren Cook - Esther's Stacked Coconut Cake
Best of Show - Brenda Leathers - Sweet Potato Cake
2010 winners
Best of Class $50 - Sydney VanRijn - Chocolate Meringue Pie
Best of Show $100 - Sydney VanRijn - Italian Cream Cake
Best of Class $50 - Kelsey Ward - Banana Nut Cake
Best of Show $100 - Kensey Brown - Great Great Aunt Rosie's Fresh Apple Cake
Best of Class $50 - Kelly Coke - Pecan Pie Cake
Best of Show $100 - Wendy Grissom - Coffee Cake
2009 winners
Best of Class $50 - Bekah Havens - Spaghetti & Meatball Cupcakes
Best of Show $100 - Sydney Van Rijn - Coconut Pie
Best of Class $50 - Kyle Bishop - Texas Buffalo Chip Cookies
Best of Show $100 - Hannah Kingston - Maple Applesauces Cake
Best of Class $50 - Kelly Coke - Chocolate Turtle Cake
Best of Show $100 - Penni Cole - Pineapple Upside Down Cake
2008 winners
Best of Class $50 - Natalie Richardson - Turtle Cake
Best of Show $100 - Noah Bristow - Butterfinger Cream Cakes
Best of Class $50 - Jade Rester - Peanut Patties
Best of Show $100 - Lauren Crooks - Cherry Pie
Best of Class $50 - Glenda Shaw - Taste of the Island Carrot Cake
Best of Show $100 - Betty Johnson - German Chocolate Cake